韓國6天5夜自由行~分享 TRAVEL TO KOREA

By 艾琳 ELIN - July 14, 2020

DAY 1 6 JULY 2018

台中國際機場 to 仁川國際機場 民宿 check in 明洞 (晚餐)
From Taichung International Airport to Incheon International Airport >>>> Checking into a homestay >>> Myeongdong  (Dinner)


RuningMan 哈哈開的烤肉店 (明洞店)

BBQ restaurant RuningMan Haha's (Myeongdong store)
Address: No. 41, Myeongdong Street 10, 8th Floor
Directions: Exit Myeongdong Station at Exit 8, turn right, and proceed straight behind the MCM store.

其實來韓國朝聖這家烤肉店主要的原因是真的看到很多網友的推薦,其次呢因為哈哈是我的好友(閨蜜)他們的偶像,所以也想用我的眼睛帶著他們看看他們喜歡的偶像。那我也有看到我的oppa 宋仲基,真的好帥呀,贊!

In reality, the major reason I came to South Korea to make a pilgrimage to this BBQ restaurant is because I've seen a lot of positive feedback from netizens, and secondly, because hehe is my buddy (girlfriend) and their idol, so I want to show them with my own eyes to see whether they enjoy it. idol. Then I spotted my oppa Song Joong Ki, who is quite attractive.
I didn't intend to eat here at first, but I was starving after a long day of sightseeing, and you must eat and see an authentic Korean BBQ restaurant if you visit Korea. So, let's give it a shot.

其實美食也依個人的喜好產生不同的味覺變化,我是覺得如果大家也是 RUNINGMAN 的粉絲,來韓國一定要來嘗嘗看哦~~~

Maybe it's because I'm not a big fan of barbecue, but I only give this BBQ joint a Pupu rating. It's not particularly good, but it's also not horrible. One of my favourite appetisers is sliced daikon, which goes well with greens and grilled pork. Others seem to be fine, but I'm not sure how to eat kimchi.
In truth, the taste of the dish varies depending on individual preferences. If you are a fan of RUNINGMAN, I believe you should try it when you visit Korea.

Because this is my first trip to Korea, I had done a lot of research in preparation for the trip. I believe it will be a struggle for me because I do not speak Korean; nevertheless, my buddy informed me that Korean now has a large number of Chinese people working there, so you can speak Chinese as well. I was uncomfortable, and I wasn't buying it. Haha.
Initially, what I had planned for this vacation was my first solo travel. I'd like to make an attempt to travel alone. But, in the end, my plans were adjusted, and I would be travelling with a friend. I was a little disappointed, but that's fine with me.

T'way air was the airline I flew with. I'm taking this flight for the first time. For me, it's extremely pleasant. In my next post, I'll tell you more about this airline.

DAY 2 7 JULY 2018
早餐(Isaac Toast 景福宮午餐(土俗村人參雞湯) 北村韓屋東大門 (晚餐) 

Breakfast (Isaac Toast) >>   Gyeongbokgung Palace >> Lunch (Dosu Village Ginseng Chicken Soup) >>Bukchon Hanok>>Dongdaemun(Dinner) 

這間ISAAC TOAST 吐司早餐店也是來韓國必吃的的美食喲~~~一開始也是在同學的推薦之下說“你去韓國一定要吃!”好啦~那我來了一定的吃吃看不可。

When visiting Korea, the ISAAC TOAST toast breakfast restaurant is a must-visit. "You must eat when you go to Korea!" I remarked at first, based on the advice of my classmates. 

因為其實在韓國沒有像在台灣一樣有很多的早餐店,那韓國人也沒有吃早餐的習慣。那這間早餐店呢是韓國非常著名的早餐店品牌~分店很多~ 可是吃這份早餐要有點耐心,因為一早就很多人在排隊了~可是以我這次去排隊的經驗,是覺得沒有等那麼久,也許是員工的工作手法已經很熟練了。最後經過本人的驗證,這份吐司早餐真的很好吃~~~強烈的推薦!!!

Because there aren't nearly as many breakfast eateries in Korea as there are in Taiwan, Koreans aren't accustomed to eating breakfast. This breakfast shop is a well-known breakfast shop brand in Korea, with numerous locations. However, you will need to be patient to eat this meal, as many people queue up early in the morning. However, based on my experience queuing this time, I believe I will not have to wait long. It's possible that the employees' working practises have been highly skilled for a long time. Finally, after my own testing, I can say that this toast breakfast is absolutely excellent!!

因為博主我呢~絕對是一名手殘女,不會編髮也不愛化妝。所以當初在做行前功課的時候一直在考量的就是:“有沒有哪一家的韓服租借服務是有含編髮服務的?而且價格也合理呢?”於是就一直在網絡上參考了很多部落格推薦的韓服租借體驗店,最終找到了這一家,“HANBOK PLUS”。

Then, when you arrive at Gyeongbokgung Palace, the first thing you should do is try on the hanbok and take photos. Because I am clearly a crippled girl who cannot braid her hair and dislikes makeup. So, when I was conducting my preparation prior to the trip, I thought to myself: "Is there a hanbok rental firm that also offers weaving? Is the pricing also reasonable?" As a result, I've been seeking advice from a variety of blogs on the Internet. "HANBOK PLUS" was the one I ultimately found.


In reality, there are several sources available on the Internet. You can also select a satisfactory hanbok rental shop based on your specific preferences and requirements.
Then there's the fact that the first price is reasonable, and the second includes weaving service.
All of the prices are in a fair range: Ordinary and high-end hanbok are likewise separated into two categories. Because the price difference isn't significant, barely 5,000 won (about 100 Taiwan dollars), I went with the high-end model.

I'll snap a photo at Gyeongbokgung Palace after I finish the hanbok.
I didn't buy a ticket to enter Gyeongbokgung Palace; instead, I shot photos outside the palace because it was too hot inside, so I hastily snapped a photo of my hanbok (in other words, this is also my wish to come to Korea) 


I went to the "Tusu Village Ginseng Chicken Soup" after the filming.

In addition, the line is extremely long. It was a sweltering day. I'm grateful to the kind boss who also placed umbrellas outside the store for customers to use, ensuring that no one was exposed to the sun's rays.

I was finally seated after a long wait.

My friend and I both ordered ginseng chicken soup, and the one I ate was Tusu Village Ginseng Chicken Soup, the restaurant's hallmark dish! 


It's quite delectable, I must say! First and foremost, I must state that I am not a fan of ginseng chicken soup.
Because my family periodically cooks ginseng chicken soup, I despise the taste and refuse to eat it. Of course, it is not cooked with a complete piece of ginseng, but ginseng and angelica are boiled together, so I despise the taste and refuse to eat it. Every time I eat it, I get a kick out of it. If that's the case, I'll just consume the meat inside instead of the soup.

The ginseng chicken soup in Tusu Village, on the other hand, is not only smooth and soft, but the broth and the whole chicken are also rather tasty. There is no ginseng flavour that I dislike. You can plainly see a whole piece of ginseng inside, as well as wolfberry and other Chinese medicinal elements, as well as glutinous rice wrapped in it, when you eat the inside. Eating a full bowl of ginseng chicken soup is pretty filling. Feel for your feet. That's fantastic! ! ! I'll surely return to eat the next time I visit Korea!

DAY 38 JULY 2018
愛寶樂園 》東大門》明洞  , 早餐(自行解決) 

Everland >>Dongdaemun >>Myeongdong , Breakfast   (solve by yourself)


Because my friends and I live in various B&Bs, going back and forth will take a long time if we eat breakfast together and ride the MRT together. As a result, I advised that you go to the convenience shop and get it for breakfast, which will save you a lot of time, and you will not have to get up early, which will not keep your spirits up, and you will not have enough fun all day.

之後我們就在捷運中的波堤嶺站集合(beotigogoe station),然後就做捷運到江南站6號、10號出口都可以。然後搭5002號公車就可以到愛寶樂園了。


Following that, we'll meet at MRT Beotigogoe Station and take the MRT to Jiangnan Station Exits 6 and 10. Then catch the Everland bus (number 5002).

Everland has planned the entire day's itinerary.




We didn't finish exploring Everland until about 6 o'clock in the evening.
We returned to Dongdaemun Design Plaza because there were no lights on when we arrived the day before, and we wanted to see the wonderful lights of Dongdaemun at night. I had intended to suggest that dinner would be arranged here, but I had not anticipated that the market in Dongdaemun is only open on Saturday nights (the homework is insufficient beforehand, and the next time it will be even more greasy!).

I was starving after a day of playing, so I went to Myeongdong for some food XD

In Myeongdong, there are many delicacies to choose from, but there is no way to consume them all, so I only eat what I want. By the way, you may also assist pals in purchasing cosmetics.

DAY 49 JULY 2018

Nami Island Petite France Village Garden of Morning Calm  

今天的行程景點呢~ 其實我個人比較不會推薦,因為基本上是只供參觀,拍拍照片等等。
因為當初我也是聽朋友說這是比較無聊的地方。不過第一次來到韓國旅遊的我還是覺得該去一次~~~~因為每一個人在不同的時間看不同的風景 感受總是不一樣的~~~~
Attractions on today's itinerary In reality, I would not recommend it because it is really simply for visiting, taking photos, and so on.
Friends who are visiting Korea for the first time are welcome to come. It is still a nice destination to visit if you have a desire for film and television dramas and want to view the picturesque locations filmed by idols. However, I have heard from friends that this is a fairly uninteresting area. But, as a first-time visitor to Korea, I still believe I should visit at least once. The feeling is always varied since everyone sees diverse surroundings at different times.
The trip to get here is rather hectic.


  1. 搭地鐵》清涼里地鐵站
  2. 步行到“清涼里火車站” 
  3. “清涼里火車站”,搭ITX火車》加平火車站 
  4. 在清涼里火車站,可以選擇要搭計程車 TAXI至加平碼頭 ,再搭船去南怡島,或者,可以選擇購買 循環巴士票6000 韓元”帶你游南怡島及其他兩個景 

👉Follow these steps:

  1. Taking the Subway "Cheongnyangni Subway Station is located in Cheongnyangni, South Korea.
  2. "Chingliangli Railway Station" is a short walk away.
  3. Take the ITX train from "Cheongnyangni Railway Station." "Gapyeong Railway Station is located in Gapyeong, South Korea.
  4. You may either take a taxi to Gapyeong Pier and then take a boat to Nami Island, or you can purchase a "loop bus ticket for 6,000 won" that will take you to Nami Island and two other picturesque places from Cheongnyangni Railway Station.

Business Hours on Nami Island: 
0800 2130 (no public holidays) / Fare: 13,000 won (ticket + round-trip boat ticket)

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