Borneo New Travelling Spot, Kampung Sapit , Sarawak ,Malaysia 砂拉越古晋生态旅游新景点

By 艾琳 ELIN - September 17, 2022

Kampung Sapit , Borneo New Place to Visit, Sarawak.  砂拉越古晋生态旅游新景点 

kampung sapit  sarawak padawan

kampung sapit sarawak padawan

kampung sapit sarawak padawan


Kampung Sapit 是位于砂拉越和印尼边界的一个乡村, 是两年前, 2020 年才开始经营民宿的。这里适合喜欢Hiking 、 喜欢接触自然的人来游玩, 站在乡村预先搭好的glamping 位置, 可以看到美丽的风景, 看到另一个国家, 印尼的土地。  

Kampung Sapit is a village located on the border between Sarawak and West Kalimantan ,Indonesia. It only started operating a homestay two years ago, in 2020. It is suitable for people who like hiking and contact with nature. Standing in the pre-built glamping position in the countryside, you can see the beautiful scenery and see another country, the land of Indonesia.

How to get here ?  

Option 1 : Drive by yourself 

因为去Kampung Sepit 的这条路不是很平, 甚至还很陡 (像过山车一样)。 如果你有良好的开车技术的话, 可以选择自行开车到那边。

Because the road to Kampung Sepit is not very flat, even steep (like a roller coaster). If you have good driving skills, you can choose to drive there yourself.

Option 2: Contact the person-in-charge of the homestay, they will bring you there 

可以联络homestay 的负责人, 他们会负责接送上下Kampung Sepit, 费用是按人头计算的。 
(我们是缴RM20/ per person) , 但要把车先停放在Kampung Abang。 

You can contact the person in charge of the homestay. They will be responsible for picking you up and dropping you off at Kampung Sapit. The fee is calculated on a per capita basis.
(We are paying RM20 per person). You need to put your car at Kampung Abang. 

What are the activities there ? 

-享受风景  Enjoy the beautiful  and amazing scenery


-走到砂拉越和印尼的边界   Walk to the border of Sarawak and Indonesia

-Waterfall (nearby)

border between Sarawak and Indonesia

Kampung Sapit Sarawak Padawan

Kampung Sapit Sarawak Padawan

Kampung Sapit Sarawak Padawan

Kampung Sapit Sarawak Padawan

Kampung Sapit Sarawak Padawan

Kampung Sapit Sarawak Padawan

Where do you stay at there?  

Setting up the tent  

在询问负责接待我们的在地导游, 才了解有很多的竹台,但是老板都是在地的每个村民。 如果你在google 上搜索,可以寻找到很多的在地搭好的竹台。 (可点击这里查看

After asking the local tour guide who was serving us, I got the information that there are many homestays, but the bosses are every villager in the area. If you search on Google, you can find a lot of  raised traditional bamboo platforms. (Click here for more information)

What are provided? 

bathroom, washing, dining, barbeque pit, rest area facilities 

Contact Person 

Cikek Sawen Sia  +6010369 6781 

Kampung Sapit Sarawak Padawan

Kampung Sapit Sarawak Padawan


对我来说, 是一个逃离城市的好地方, 风景优美,周围很宁静, 可以让你忘却很多生活中的杂事和烦恼, 思绪就只是停留和沉静在大自然中。 非常推荐来到这里, 这里的人很亲切、服务也很好, 我们那天去时, 也有很多城市的人来到这里, 不论什么种族, 在马来西亚,针对都可以相处得很融洽。  

还有一点要注意的就是, 如果你是开车前来, 请你一定要填满汽油, 因为周围没有可以添油的地方, 听接待的导游说,是有个人贩卖汽油的, 但他也说更好的是去城市里添油会好些, 城市毕竟是用表计算的(但我没有仔细问他当地的汽油价格)。 

希望你喜欢这篇文章。 欢迎您留言和分享哦! 谢谢! 

For me, it is a good place to escape from the city. The scenery is beautiful, the surroundings are very peaceful, you can forget a lot of chores and troubles in life, and your mind just stays and is quiet in nature. It is highly recommended to come here. The people here are very kind, and the service is very good. When we went there that day, there were also many people from the city who came here. No matter what race they are, in Malaysia, people can get along very well.

Another point to note is that if you come by car, please be sure to fill up the petrol tank, because there is no place to refill petrol around. According to the tour guide, there is a person who sells petrol, but he also said it would be better to go to the city to refuel. The city is calculated by the meter after all (but I did not ask him carefully about the local petrol price).

I hope you like this article. You are welcome to leave a message and share! Thanks!


这个区域是没有网络的。 请通知Kampung Sepit 的负责人, 当你差不多要抵达Kampung Abang 的时候。 他们也会发送图片引导你抵达Kampung Abang / Kampung Sepit 。 

Low internet connection at this area. Please inform the person-in-charge (homestay) when  you are almost arrive and put your car at Kampung Abang. 
They will send you the picture to guide you to there (Kampung Abang) too.  

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