Dessert Place In Kuching, Sarawak. 砂拉越古晋甜品店. 甜豆馆

By 艾琳 ELIN - December 03, 2022

砂拉越古晋好吃的豆花. 甜豆馆 A New Place to visit ~ Dessert Pace at Hui Sing Area


这家甜品店主打是豆花甜品, 采用的都是天然健康的食材, 如红豆、绿豆。同样也包含了加工食品, 像仙草、芋圆、珍珠。 偶然在脸书看到了这家店, 一直以来也是豆花的爱好者,所以就来尝尝了~ 如果热爱健康与天然食材的话, 可以选择自行搭配哦~ 价格方面自行搭配可能稍微贵些, 其他的价格都合理。 

This dessert establishment specialises in bean curd desserts made with organic, healthful ingredients including red beans and mung beans. Additionally, it contains processed carbohydrates like grass jelly, taro balls, and pearls. If you appreciate health and natural ingredients, you can choose to make your own; the cost might be a little higher, but others may find it to be less expensive. I found this store by coincidence on Facebook, and I have always loved bean curd, so we came to taste it. The costs are affordable.

砂拉越古晋好吃的豆花. 甜豆馆

砂拉越古晋甜品店.  甜豆馆

砂拉越古晋甜品店.  甜豆馆

砂拉越古晋甜品店.  甜豆馆 MENU

油条 you tiao (RM 2 / PC) 

砂拉越古晋甜品店.  甜豆馆

布丁果冻合并豆花 Pudding jelly mix beancurd RM7.50

仙草合并豆花 Grass jelly mix beancurd RM 7.50 

砂拉越古晋甜品店.  甜豆馆

砂拉越古晋甜品店.  甜豆馆


这家店的豆花都很好吃, 而且也不会很甜, 是我和男友都喜欢的。 吃了之后还会想再来的。 
尤其也很贴近台湾芋圆甜品的味道, 好吃! 这里的油条也很赞!连我妈妈都说好吃! 

My partner and I appreciate the bean curd in this shop since it is tasty and not overly sugary. After eating, you'll feel like returning.
In particular, it tastes excellent and is extremely similar to Taiwanese taro ball treats. Also delicious are the "YOU TIAO"  here! My mother concurred that it was great.

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