D - Virtual Park at Semarahan 三马拉汉D-虚拟乐园 Sarawak / Borneo Theme Park !

By 艾琳 ELIN - November 20, 2022

D - Virtual Park at Semarahan 

Sarawak / Borneo Theme Park ! 



这是在砂拉越古晋的虚拟乐园, 在距离古晋不远的三马拉汉。它婆罗洲岛上第一个展示最先进虚拟现实技术的主题公园。 

某天, 我们想说来这里体验, 还记得当天是公共假期, 总认为类似这样的旅游景点, 假日应该都会开放的, 可是当天却没开放, 后来一直想找机会去, 也就一直没去成。 

在这里,你还可以看到与新加坡环球影城类似的标志。 我们还在这里打卡拍照呢! 

In Samarahan, a nearby town in Kuching, Sarawak, this is virtually paradise. It is the first theme park on Borneo to feature cutting-edge virtual reality technology.

We intended to visit here one day to have an experience. It's still fresh in our minds because it was a holiday. We had always assumed that places like this would be open on holidays. However, that day they were closed. Later, we frequently sought out opportunities to travel, but we never did.

A sign for Universal Studios Singapore is also visible here. There, we had checked in and taken some photos. I hope we will be able to return here soon!

D - Virtual Park at Semarahan 三马拉汉D-虚拟乐园  Sarawak Theme Park !

D - Virtual Park at Semarahan 三马拉汉D-虚拟乐园  Sarawak Theme Park !


Jalan Merenak, Kampung Melaban, 94300 Kuching, Sarawak. 

Ticket Price 

RM10 ~ RM150 
Different package, different price. 
不同配套 价格不同 (可查询 official website

Working Hours 

Not accurate from the website information.  Please contact them before visiting. 
并不是很准确, 去之前还是打个电话联系 

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