Kuching Food Festival - 砂拉越古晋美食节

By 艾琳 ELIN - August 07, 2022

Kuching Food Festival - 砂拉越古晋美食节


这是砂拉越古晋最大型的美食节。 在这个节日里, 会有无数的商家展示自己的作品, 并通过这个节日贩卖美食, 以让更多人认识自己的作品意外,也让外地人可以看见古晋美食的特色以及文化。 但随着人们喜好度更加的广泛, 古晋节更是贩卖了来自世界各地不同的美食, 其中也包括台湾、土耳其、中国、泰国等等。

This is Kuching, Sarawak's largest cuisine festival. There will be a variety of sellers showing their products and selling food during this festival, allowing more people to become acquainted with their works and allowing outsiders to observe the features and culture of Kuching food. However, as people's tastes broaden, the Kuching Festival sells delicacies from all over the world, including Taiwan, Turkey, China, and Thailand.

一年一次的古晋节, 坐落在七八月期间, 只开设一个月的时间。 难得来到古晋的你, 一定要来试试!
The annual Kuching Festival, which takes place during July and August, last for only one month. If you are in Kuching, you must try it!

Food Stalls 美食摊位

Here are some images from that day's food stalls.

What food that I recommend 推荐美食

炸冰淇淋 Fried Ice Cream

如果你是第一次来到古晋, 你一定试吃“炸冰淇淋”!
If you're visiting Kuching for the first time, feel free to try the "fried ice cream"!
这是用面包裹着冰淇淋, 再放到油锅里面炸的! 外酥内冷,还蛮多人喜欢吃的。
This is ice cream wrapped in bread and pan-fried! Many people enjoy it because it is crisp on the exterior and cold on the inside.

(Recommend the tradisional fried ice-cream, not the Chicken Fried Ice-cream)

手抓饼 Prawn Sandwich Bar

I can finish it all by myself! I adore prawns, pasta, and lettuce! Personally, I believe the crust is overly thick and lacks chewiness.
However, my boyfriend stated that it was not tasty! It appears to have been fried with black pepper and assembled!

奶奶麻薯 Grandma Mochi

这个商家标明是用纯鲜奶制作的, 所以麻薯真的很丝滑, 很好吃!
我妈妈也赞好。 有很多不同的口味, 有巧克力、抹茶、奶粉、芝麻、花生等等可以选择。 这也是我看到很多人排队的一个档口哦!

According to the shopkeeper, it is manufactured with 100% fresh milk, therefore the mochi is silky and tasty!
My mother enjoys it as well. There are numerous flavours to pick from, including chocolate, matcha, milk powder, sesame, and peanuts. This is also a popular stall, as evidenced by the long lines!

客家美食 Hakka Food (No photos)

这家的酸鸭,我在买的时候, 就听到有人推荐好吃了!
When I was buying this sour duck, I heard that it was amazing!
So get it! Personally, I believe it's quite good!

摩摩喳喳 Bu bu cha cha (No photos) 

这是东南亚的特色美食, 但是在这个客家摊位有销售, 挺好吃的甜品!
这家的味道很浓郁, 感觉放了很多的椰浆, 还满甜的, 味道十足, 料也很足!
This is a unique Southeast Asian dish, yet it is available at this Hakka stall; a delectable treat!
The flavour of this home is extremely powerful; I detect a lot of coconut milk, and it is full of sweetness, flavour, and components!

Comments 评论

来的当天,下起了绵绵细雨, 突然倾盆大雨。 七八月间真的一直下雨, 连续好几天了。 好在那天倾盆大雨后, 雨稍微停顿了些。
整体来说, 很多人很热闹, 同时也非常拥挤, 加上下雨天,真的很难找位置坐。 建议你来的时候还是带把雨伞,还是比较安全的! 这段期间的雨水千万也不可以淋到, 比较好!
美食的话有很多, 好吃的就见仁见智了, 因为毕竟每个人的口味都不太一样的。 欢迎来到古晋的你们, 来试一下, 因为这个古晋少有的很热闹的夜市了! 但是食物价格都会偏高, 因为商家们才在这里经营一个月的时间, 因此也希望获取相对的利润, 但是还会有稍微便宜的食物哦!

最后最重要的一点就是, 不是那么容易找到停车位。 建议你可以提早来, 或者是把车放在古晋南市市政局对面,再走过来哦!

On the day I arrived, it began to drizzle and then poured heavily. It rained for numerous days in a row throughout July and August. Fortunately, the rain stopped shortly after the storm that day.
On a wet day, many people are very energetic and crowded at the same time, and it is really difficult to locate a seat. It is advised that you bring an umbrella with you when you visit; it is still reasonably safe! It is preferable not to get wet during this time period!

There are many tasty foods, and it is a matter of personal preference because no one's taste is the same. Welcome to everyone in Kuching! Come try it out because this is one of the few active night markets in Kuching! However, because the sellers have only been working here for a month, they will impose a higher price for food, yet there will also be slightly cheaper options!

Last but not least, finding a parking space is difficult. It is advised that you arrive early or park your car opposite the Kuching South City Council and walk over!

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