Cuppa- Cup Coffee 享受咖啡恬静时光 - Sarawak Kuching Cafe - Jalan Song - 砂拉越古晋市中心咖啡馆

By 艾琳 ELIN - July 29, 2022

Cuppa Cup Coffee 享受咖啡恬静时光 - Sarawak Kuching Cafe - Jalan Song - 砂拉越古晋市中心咖啡馆

Introduction 简介

一个位于古晋市中心, 桑路的大厦中的一间咖啡馆。 坐落在角落的位置, 除了在店内的两张小桌子外, 其余的几张桌子都摆放在角落外的走廊处。真的很有咖啡馆的感觉, 很棒!

A cafe in a mansion in the heart of Kuching, Jalan Song. With the exception of the two small tables in the shop, all of the other tables are situated on the hallway outside the corner. Excellent, really has a cafe vibe!

Environment 环境

虽然咖啡馆的空间不大, 也许当天刚好去的时候人不多
(除了制作餐点的空间有点小, 不太方便走动)

Despite the cafe's small size, it was relatively calm when I first visited there that day because there may not have been many patrons.
(With the exception of the fact that it's difficult to walk around and the area for cooking meals is a little tight.)

Food and Beverage (Menu) 食物和饮料 菜单

What We ordered 我们点了什么






觉得餐点真的很好吃, 咖啡也很好喝
虽然咖啡馆的空间不大, 也许当天刚好去的时候人不多
但觉得唯一需要改善的地方, 可能是老板与员工之间的沟通。
怎么样培训好员工, 放手给员工独当一面,不论是点餐或招待方面等等。

I think the food is really delicious, and the coffee is also very good
However, I believe that the communication between the supervisor and the employees may be the sole issue that has to be fixed.

How to properly onboard new hires, empower them to handle tasks like catering and food ordering on their own, etc.


Tabuan Heights Commercial Centre, 43, Jalan Song, Tabuan Heights, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak

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