砂拉越古晋石角天师爷公会广龙宫 Sarawak Kuching Batu Kawa Tian Sze Guang Long Gong (砂拉越.古晋.庙宇 / Temple in Kuching, Sarawak)

By 艾琳 ELIN - February 07, 2022

Sarawak Kuching Batu Kawa Tian Sze Guang Long Gong 

石角简介 Introduction of Batu Kawah

“石角”是一个客家人聚集的河边小镇。 二战时期以前, 是热闹的市集。 镇上的主要行业大多都是以“杂货店”为生, 有的则是兼卖橡胶、胡椒等特产。 因此在该区的周围主要也是环绕着许多华人的村落, 随处可见的橡胶园、胡椒园, 都是早期的经济命脉。

The Hakka people congregate at "Batu Kawah," a riverfront settlement. It was a bustling market before to WWII. The town's major industry are centred on "grocery stores," with others selling specialty items like rubber and pepper. As a result, the surrounding area is primarily made up of Chinese settlements. The rubber and pepper plantations that can be seen all over the place were the early economy's lifeblood.

早期还没有翻新过的“石角”, 是好几排的木板老店。 自从好几年前的一场大火烧毁了某排的店屋之后, 老镇后来就进行了整体的翻新, 只有少数的店家因为没有足够的资金, 因此没有进行翻修, 还保留着原始的模样。

The "Batu Kawah," which hasn't been renovated since its early days, is a multi-row old wooden shop. The ancient town has been refurbished as a whole since a fire destroyed a row of shophouses few years ago. Only a few shophouses have not been refurbished due to a lack of funding, and they still look as they did when they were built.

旧时的交通 Traffic from the past

听闻长辈的转述, 旧时候的石角是依靠舢板越过石角河去到对岸的古晋, 交通非常不方便。 后期于1992年, 在拿督张君光的争取下, 石角大桥终于开始动工了。 并于1995年1月6日落成。

According to the elders, Batu Kawah used to rely on sampans to bridge the Batu Kawah River to Kuching on the other side, and the traffic was horrendous. The construction of the Batu Kawah Bridge was finally began in 1992, thanks to Dato' Zhang Jun Guang's efforts. On January 6, 1995, it was completed.

A comparison between the past and current in the image of Batu Kawah

石角老店 Batu Kawah Old Town

石角老店 (past) 

石角庙宇- 天狮爷广龙宫
Batu Kawah Temple - Tian Shi Ye Guanglong Palace



Location And Map 

3, Jalan Batu Kawa Bazaar, Batu Kawa, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak

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